Free Download of The Priestess and the Ravenknight eBook

      A mysterious deity takes over the dark elven city of Espion, bringing mass executions and unholy sacrifices. In the face of the new god’s reign of terror, rebels still loyal to the Mother Goddess of Tiaera remain in the once peaceful medieval city, determined to help those captured by or hiding from the usurper’s Host of Wrath. Serving in Espion's army, Ravenknight Krymson Larolin is torn between his sworn duty and the seemingly absent goddess, until he finds himself protecting the High Priestess of Espion — a revered follower of the new god. The Priestess and the Ravenknight is a tale of courage, love and loyalty that is now available at Amazon KDP. 

Everyone is invited to download this Free Ebook at today and tomorrow till midnight (April 20-21st).  

If you have previously bought or borrowed this ebook before it is worth checking it again as I have made some changes to it. Click on the link above to get to the Amazon webpage for this ebook.

How I create my graphics...

I have been busy working on a graphic and thought I would share with you what it looks like as I am making it. I have decided not to do any illustrations for submission with my next manuscript, working title "The Sirens of Swansong". As I have posted before, I intend to write only and avoid any cover art or illustrations. Nonetheless, I desire to do ONE graphic to decorate my three ring binder and to inspire me while I write. My notebook contains all my research notes, glossaries, maps and outline. And my binder needs a graphic sooooo....

Here is the image of Lyrica and Dalyn, my two main characters. After Googling "sirens" and "mermaids" I came up with what I think Lyrica will look like. She is Tiaeran siren and one of the guardians (angels) of the Mother Goddess. After several name change I decided Lyrica would be my final choice and this character will use her singing as a power to affect friends and enemies as needed. Dalyn is a carpenter turned pirate.

I started this graphic with a pencil sketch then inked it with an artist's fine point marker. After I have the main details drawn, I scan it and open it up in Adobe 10 Elements. I check all the details careful and clean any mistakes or spots I find. I make a black and white copy and a color copy and begin coloring using the many wonderful tools in Adobe Elements. After a couple of hours of relearning this program and using my new Wacom tablet I come up with this:

To save me a lot of time, I found a neat and free wallpaper background online. Remember this is only going to decorate a three ring binder and so any short cuts are acceptable for this piece. Depending on how long this takes to finish, will determine whether I will go through the trouble of also creating a background. As you can see, this graphic is still not finished. There lots of white areas that still need to be colored. Stay tuned for the next post when I finally complete this.

If you have any questions about my graphics, feel free to click on the COMMENTS link below or email me.