Five Author Panel Event in Kingman, Az.

I was able to participate in yet another interview for the Kingman Daily Miner via conference call that included four other authors. Here is the link to that newspaper article. This is very exciting and I will be SOOOO NERVOUS! =) Click on the link below the photo to see the article.

"Realmwalkers" at the Beachcomber RV Resort

Time to pack up my rolling crate to the island down the road and over the London Bridge. The Lake Havasu Beachcomber RV Resort will be holding a fair of sorts and I will be selling my books. I have a new display item to attract their attention and hopefully sell a copy. It's a small treasure chest that's about shoe box size. It is meant to hold a copy of the book sitting in a bed of pirate coins and jewelry. A small rainbow dragon will be hovering over the book as if guarding its treasure. My Facebook page has a photo of what it looks like, but here is another shot.

It's a little hard to see, but the dragonling has small wings near his head. At this angle they are hard to see. The decorations is the part of marketing that is actually quite fun and it does work. People enjoy looking around at these fairs and so every bit helps. This is also a tax write-off!

For those of you that live anywhere in the area, the event is tomorrow from 1:00 - 4:00. The day should be lovely as the temperatures here have been in the mid-70's - 80's so we are expecting a great crowd. Come on over and say hello!
I saw this at my friend Yisraela's blog: 2embracethelight  and was so impressed with its message that I "nicked" it to share here with you.  No, it's not about Realmwalkers nor Tiaera but it is about words. And since I am a writer, it seems appropriate here.

Five Author Panel Discussion

It's hard to believe its been eight months since Realmwalkers has been published. Time has flown and the response has been good. Friends have been wonderful and supportive. Things are moving along slowly, but I am almost at a point when I may be ready to get back to writing again. Yes, I have done a few short stories here and there but not another novel as yet. People keep asking if there is going to be another book. It's still hard to say when I am so heavily involved with promoting and selling this one. I am hoping that once I get the ebook versions set up so I can sell them on my blog as an independent seller (aside from who now sells a Kindle version), I will be able to write more. So stay tuned here and in Facebook for further news.

Speaking of Facebook, I see they are now using a new format for all users. It's called Timeline and it chronicles your posts and now allows you to put up a masthead at the top of your page. The new feature I like is the ability to customize your page URL. Realmwalkers at Facebook can now be found at
You can see the new graphic masthead there once you log in. I don't spend a lot of time at Facebook, but let's face it, the social network site is free and a good way to promo your business or product. I hope you go and comment about the new graphic or just say hello.

Yesterday I took part in a phone interview with four other authors, two Kingman City Library representatives and a reporter from the Kingman Daily Miner newspaper. This interview is for an article that will promote a special event at the Kingman Library: A Five Author Panel Discussion. I will be driving up there for the event with a copy of Realmwalkers to raffle off to a member of the audience. And I will be taking extra copies should anyone there want to purchase one. It should be quite an experience, discussing our books and writing with the other authors and answering questions from the audience. I hope I don't get stage fright and freeze up.

The event is planned for March 21st from 6PM - 7:30PM AZ time. I hope to get some photos to share with you all.

Realmwalkers Now Available for Kindles

Sorry for taking so long in posting anything here this month, but I have good news! After much research, hours of reformatting, testing and experimenting, I am pleased to announce that Realmwalkers is now available at as an ebook! I found out that the free conversion process only takes a few minutes. That was the easy part. Preparing the ebook file for conversion was far more difficult. Well, I learned a lot and glad the work is over.

The soft cover book sold here has been available there for months, but now it is also available for Kindle. To help make the ebook very affordable (only $3.99) it only has a couple of illustrations like the world map of Tiaera and the pirate ship, La Sirene Bleu and the front cover. And it doesn't come signed from Amazon. If you want the fully illustrated book you will need to purchase the printed version. You can find the book and ebook using this link: Realmwalkers at

I have also published and converted the ebook into EPUB format and I am now just looking for a safe way to sell it here online and avoid piracy as much as reasonably possible. I will let you all know when it's ready to buy.

Keep on writing and reading, friends!

Realmwalkers Story at Kingman's The Daily Miner

I went to Kingman last weekend for an interview at The Daily Miner, Kingman's local newpaper. Here is the article which came out in today's issue, just in time for Saturday's Book Signing. I will be at Hastings Bookstore from 11AM - 3PM.

The Daily Miner Newspaper Article

Book Marketing and Ebooks

Sorry I have been so quiet here lately. The holidays came and went and I was busy taking down decorations, storing them all for another year. January has been very cold and I find it hard to leave the comfort of  my home to go marketing, but I have been.  Excuses... excuses.. but I am BACK!!

Recently I arranged to have "Realmwalkers" available at a local store called Crystal Moon which is located at 1850 McCulloch Blvd N. After that I arranged for "Realmwalkers" to be at the Kingman Library. Some time this year, I hope to join a panel of several other local authors for an event called Kabam at Kingman.

I was also at the local Hastings promoting "Realmwalkers" and an anthology called "Offerings from the Oasis" where my artwork was selected for the front cover. Every year the Lake Havasu City Writers Group publishes an anthology and holds a book signing at Hastings. The sand castle sporting several books with a beach background was this year's cover graphic for our anthology. I also have a poem "My Typical Morning" in the book as one of the selections.

It was a fun event. Many members brought their own books to sell, including me. By the way, that large banner
you see in front of the table was also one of my designs. I have been designing almost all our marketing projects and enjoy doing it. We often use the banner for street fairs to promote our club. 

I just got off the phone and heard from one of the librarians in Kingman, which is about an hour's drive from Havasu, and she says the book is gaining some interest. It has been checked out three times since it was made available. Hopefully I will be seeing some of those readers later this month when I do my first book signing there at Hastings on the 23rd of this month from 11 - 3.

And lastly, I have been working away at creating my first "Realmwalkers" Kindle ebook. It's been really hard to do as I have literally had to learn how to do it. But thanks to some friends and the Internet and a very patient hubby, I am almost done with it. I hope to have it up and available for sale here at my blog and at Stay tuned for my announcement in the near future.

Until my next post, take care, keep warm and healthy and KEEP WRITING!